Act one, scene two opens up with Rose singing, “Jesus build a fence around me”. This opening song is foreshadowing of the strong religion theme that is present in this scene. (The presentation in a work of literature of hints and clues that tip the reader off as to what is to come later in the work.) The conversation between Rose and Gabe uses many allusions to the angel Gabriel and Saint Peter.( a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication) Gabe has suffered brain damage from a war injury; so he sees things that others don’t. He talks to Rose as if he knows Saint Peter personally. He is also warns Troy about Judgment Day. In this scene, the audience sees a more selfish side of Troy . Troy is very rude to Rose when she is talking to him about playing the numbers. It is very clear to the audience that they have a one sided relationship. Also the audience learns that Troy is in charge of Gabe’s money, and we learn that he uses some of it to buy their house. Troy knows that without Gabe’s money, his family would still live in poverty. I also find it very selfish of Troy to have t Gabe live with Miss Pearl instead of with him.
In act one, scene three, Cory returns home from football practice and Rose is upset with him. Rose is angry because Cory didn’t do his chores or help build the fence. Troy returns from “Taylor’s” and him Cory began to work on the fence. At first Troy and Cory’s conversation is friendly. Cory ask Troy for a new television set and Troy agrees to go half on the purchase of the television set with him. Then the conversation turns bad… Cory begins to talk about the players that idolizes in baseball, and Troy ’s attitude becomes very negative. Cory’s character is a symbol for the progression of African Americans. (Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.) While Troy is very bitter about the racism he faced in the minor leagues. Troy takes his bitterness out on Cory by refusing to let him play College football. Troy ’s selfishness causes him to hold back a promising young athlete.
In act one, scene four; the scenario is the same as the scene one. Troy and Bono are on the porch, drinking and talking. Troy has received a promotion and is going to become the first African American garbage truck driver. I find it very ironic that after that big racial injustice is overcome; Troy begins to make another racist comment. When Troy ’s friend Lyons invites him to listen to jazz music, he scoffs. Troy refers to Jazz as Chinese music. This comment again shows Troy ’s unwillingness to accept progression in the African American community. We also learn that Troy went to Cory’s school and told his coach that he quits the team. Cory is very enraged with Troy . Troy warns Cory not to “strike out”.